Deutsche Bundesbank Frankfurt
The buildings designed by the architectural office of Otto Apel, later ABB Architects, in the second half of the 20th century still characterize Frankfurt's cityscape today. The Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) Frankfurt took over part of the ABB office archive in 2015. The exhibition "Stages, Banks, Aircraft Hangars. Frankfurter Projekte von Otto Apel/ ABB" at the Deutsche Bundesbank Frankfurt shows a section of this in over 500 historical black-and-white photographs from the 1950s to 1970s by the photographer Ulfert Beckert, supplemented by new photographs by Eike Laeuen.
Among the approximately 40 buildings realized by the architectural practice in Frankfurt are, in addition to the Deutsche Bundesbank, the high-rise buildings of Dresdner and Deutsche Bank, the Städtische Bühnen, and the Hotel Intercontinental.

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- Daniel Hoffmann
- Tel.: +49 7121 1606-37
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